The John Wesley Sunday School Class
The John Wesley Class is the oldest continuous Sunday school class at Beverly Hills United Methodist Church. Founded around the time of World War II, our class has been in existence for almost 70 years, and we were joined by the Fellowship Class near the turn of the century. Through the years, we have primarily focused on intense study of the Bible, that we might better understand God’s Holy Word. We continue to support worthy and charitable causes, both through financial support and active involvement. Sacred Christian fellowship has also been a hallmark of this class, as we always enjoy coffee and refreshments following each Sunday lesson, as well as scheduled monthly social events. The John Wesley Class has always been a vibrant place to learn, pray, work, and care about each other.
The His Workers Sunday School Class
The His Workers Class, founded around 1960, was originally composed of young married adults but now includes all ages. Each week, class leaders rotate teaching a lesson that contributes to understanding the Bible in its theological and historical context. Lessons are usually taken from Cokesbury’s quarterly Adult Bible Studies or from Adam Hamilton’s video-enhanced book series such as Creed: What Christians Believe and Why, Revival, The Journey, 24 Hours that Changed the World, Christianity and World Religions, etc. In fact, His Worker’s Class is known for its lively discussion as class members are encouraged to enthusiastically participate in the discernment of what we believe, why we believe, and how our Methodist faith aligns us in relationship with God and our Savior Jesus. His Workers Class is dedicated to service to God, our Church, and our Community and regularly provides financial contributions to the Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry, the Huntington City Mission, Ebenezer Community Outreach Center and other community service organizations.
The Koinonia Sunday School Class
The Koinonia Class follows the Greek meaning of the “koinonia” by being in communion with one another. Our classes focus on biblical and faith studies- often using video series and small group studies. We may not always agree with interpretation or have the same point of view, but we feel accept our differences. The Koinonia Class closes each Sunday with a prayer that brings us back into communion and prepares us for the coming week. We gather every week at 9:45am in the Church Parlor. Join us this Sunday!