United Methodist Youth Fellowship (UMYF)
The Beverly Hills UMYF group, called EDGE (Every Day God Encounter), meets on Sundays from 5:30 – 7:00pm.
Our youth (aged 12-18 years) generally get together weekly to share a light supper and participate in brief Bible Study lessons about critical issues facing teens today. Also, we enjoy cooking, making crafts, playing games, watching movies, and serving in our community.
The purpose of United Methodist Youth Fellowship is to empower young people as world-changing disciples of Jesus Christ, to nurture faith development, and to equip young leaders by:
- developing youth and young adult spiritual leaders to transform lives by making disciples of Jesus Christ;
- challenging the congregation to embrace, confirm, and celebrate God’s call on the lives of young people;
- advocating for the issues and concerns of young people in the church, the local community, and the world;
- empowering young people to work as agents of peace, justice, and mercy in their community;
- building a network of support and providing resources that connect diverse youth and young adults in ministries across the globe.