Daniel Plan

Join us on Wednesdays for the Daniel Plan Support Group!

Beverly Hills United Methodist Church

2600 Washington Blvd.

5:30 Light Supper / 6:00- 7:00 Study

The Daniel Plan

by Rick Warren, Dr. Daniel Amen and Dr. Mark Hyman



What is The Daniel Plan?

The Daniel Plan is an innovative healthy lifestyle plan founded on biblical principles and centered on the five essentials that guarantee success in restoring your physical, mental, and spiritual health: Faith, Food, Fitness, Focus, and Friends. The Daniel Plan is a “wholistic” health and wellness program that is not limited to just Food and Fitness, like other “diet” plans. It integrates three additional components: Faith, our spiritual foundation; Focus of mind, which gives us direction and purpose; and Friends, which enriches our relationships and emotional lives.

Our healthy lifestyle support group provides practical resources and a comprehensive step-by-step approach that teaches simple ways to incorporate healthy choices into your current lifestyle. The positive health benefits are multiplied when done within a faith community because you will have far more than individual willpower to make transformational and sustainable lifestyle changes with the strength of God and the encouragement of your support group.


What will we learn in The Daniel Plan?

Faith: Nurturing Your Soul

You will learn how the attitudes of perfection and shame can inhibit your relationship with God, others, and yourself and how to rely on God’s power, not willpower.

Food: Enjoying God’s Abundance

You will learn to choose healthy foods from God’s abundance, to avoid harmful processed foods and chemicals, and to design a healthy eating plan and implement it into your lifestyle.

Fitness: Strengthening Your Body

You will learn the four ways people typically abuse their bodies, which one you struggle with, and how to overcome that struggle.

Focus: Renewing Your Mind

You will learn about brain health, dig out negative attitudes and thoughts that are holding you back, and find the focus you need to make positive changes.

Friends: Encouraging One Another

You will learn the five keys to demonstrating love in community and how honesty with each other can affect change.


For more information about the Daniel Plan, contact Margaret Harrison at 304-360-7750 or Barbara Smith at 304-710-4047.