Beverly Hills United Methodist Men

Posted By Mace Sturm on Oct 24, 2017 | 0 comments

Beverly Hills United Methodist Men


Join us for the Men’s Prayer Breakfast on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 8:30am in Fellowship Hall.


About Us

United Methodist Men is charged with the “primary oversight for the coordination and resourcing of men’s ministry” (2012 Book of Discipline, paragraph 2302).The ministry of men in the local church is defined as a core group of men, partnering with their pastor, to invite and initiate spiritual growth opportunities for all men of the church. Everyone has different gifts, graces and areas of interest. Therefore, opportunities for participation include diverse ministries of the church, such as prayer groups, Bible studies, missions, youth ministries, outreach, mentoring, leadership, and community service. The discipleship focus is not inward, concentrating only on those who attend a particular church or meeting, but outward to all men, assisting them to engage the process of spiritual growth.


Beverly Hills United Methodist Men has evolved into an ecumenical fellowship that is inclusive of all men of all denominations– Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, Lutheran, etc. The second Saturday morning of each month, this diverse group of men get together in fellowship to cook and enjoy breakfast, pray, share devotionals, listen to guest speakers on topics of special interest, and participate in service projects in the local community.


Our Mission

Our mission is to support spiritual growth among men, helping men to mature as disciples as they encourage spiritual formation in others.


Our History

This men’s group was founded as a service organization in the late 1970s by Frank Michel (President) and Jack Chittum (Vice President). Initially, 50-60 men met at Beverly Hills United Methodist Church on weekday evenings to share supper and invite prominent local speakers on topics of business and civic interest. Unfortunately, by the mid-1980s attendance had gradually dropped and the group disbanded for nearly twenty years.

The current United Methodist Men’s fellowship formed in 2002 by a group of 8-12 men from Beverly Hills UMC, including Glenn White, Doug Hager, Toby Holbrook, Jim Basler, John Martin, Phil Hazeldine, and Jack Cappellari.


For more information, please contact our current UMM President, Toby Holbrook at 304-617-8681.


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